They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why both typing here when I've got a novel for you to flip through! Check out this slideshow of some of the pics from Queen Victoria Park, Niagara Falls, Canada; ringing in 2011 with Great Big Sea, Barenaked Ladies, and a few others:
Cheers to having some of the greatest bands on Earth playing right here in our own backyards!
Never before seen footage and shots from Niagara!

The photos have been locked away for over 40 years; an enormous project to make Niagara Falls more stunningly attractive was underway in 1969 when U.S. engineers from both the army and civil sectors, diverted the flow of the American falls for months to "correct" the american's cascade falls.
The twin landmarks (triplets if you consider that the Bridal Falls is actually separate) are some of the world's more powerful waterfalls. It took a massive damn to stop the flow as the Americans put together plans to remove debris that collected at the base of the American falls. The U.S.Army Corp of Engineers strategically bolted faults in the rocks to delay the inevitable erosion of the falls. They planed on removing hundreds of thousands of tons of rock from the base of the falls, a plan later abandoned due to the sheer size and cost of the project.