It's one of those nights...

A mixture of chemicals and poisons kills us all slowly, and yet allows us to live more thoroughly than anyone ever anticipated.
There were decades in the past known as "The Great Binge" (1870–1914) described as a period in history given by social historians, due to Absinthe in Europe and other dangerous drugs such as heroin being commercially available... during this time people created incredible art, made strides in humanitarian progress and provided entertainment for generations to come.

This period saw a spike in life expectancy and gave the people of it a sense of positive outlook as a general trend. This federal optimism pushed the populous to generate a cultural impact second to few other times in history. All this to say that living the straight edge might get you further in years, but doesn't mean you live more actual life. So soak up the richness that is all that life offers....

Remember that all things are swell in moderation and the key is not to get carried away (far) [it's important to let things carry you as far as your imagination and strengths are strong enough to bring you back from. Lose yourself in the moments, but don't lose yourself in time!


Why Cons? Are they the ultimate shoe?

While on a midnight stroll the other day I came across a few dozen of these...

They are the instantly recognizable aftermath of the impact made by a Nike Converse Chuck Taylor shoe. There were a few of them about, in multiple size and it made me think... These shoes were once a very popular style of shoe. Back in the 70's they were the cheap alternative to having nice shoes and you could find their think fabric makings on any shelf of a discount shoe outlet... Today they have become a fashion statement owned by the Nike corporation.

So what then do they symbolize? I personally wear a lot of Chuck Taylors for their fit and their colours. Many others I'm sure feel the same. So are they "hip" now. They are of course no longer the "cheap" alternative, so what explains their popularity...

The style might make a child of the 70's reminisce about the good old days; a child today might see them as retro and chique. Some see them as expressionist, some others as individual markers of style and choice. So it is possible that the Chuck Taylor is the ultimate crowd pleaser in the shoe world? I think it's a fair assumption to make.

But then again, I make some crazy assumptions and call them fair...


Long-time coming!

I have an extensive line of must-read books and this one has been on it since its release. Finally I am going to crack the spine and hopefully get a good laugh from one of my favorite comedians in this best-seller.

Anyone who wants to borrow this...give me a week and send me a message! haha

Thinking of you!

I spent most of my day behind the wheel today. Didn't get home until quite late and had little time for blogging any new and exciting news. Rest assured that I haven't forgotten about the blog, I still have it on the back of my mind and the back of my car! 
Hopefully more original content will come up this year. I've been struggling with the weather and the inability to shoot anything outdoors lately. Spring's coming though... just not soon enough!


Random thought of the day:

I'm not sure if I'm just getting older, or if I'm losing my mind, but this seems weird. I don't remember tic tacs being so... aligned. I know it's a piddly thing, but it just seems odd that they be in the container in such a uniform way. This has given me a sort of reverse OCD where I yearn for more whimsical randomness in the tiny little oblate spheroids of sugar and orange-flavour. My mind expects a certain disorder to the container and yet there they are mocking me with their straightness.

I guess I might just be a little crazy...

So I've been doing some cleaning recently and I've noticed I have a lot of half-painted canvases kicking around. These two I mean to get done next, if I can find the time and inspiration.

The one on the left is my personal favorite and I've worked on it for years. The one of the right has a long way to come but I'll someday call it done. I don't know what will happen to them once they are done, might attempt to sell them off or maybe give them as a gift to sit quietly in someone's rec-room to be lost to time...
It's not often enough that I get to paint, but it's an amazing feeling and I think everyone should try it. Doesn't mater if what you produce is rubbish... just love it and enjoy yourself :)


001; Welcome!

For a while now I've considered taking the next steps to blogging and making a personal blog about my life. I think I'm going to give it a shot and have a virtual journal of rather dull things people will likely never read.

I don't mean to be pessimistic, I just don't know what's going to come of this. There will be blogging, random vlogs, and who knows what for this page. So from here on out I write, ramble, express etc. uncensored and unscripted... just to see if anything comes of it. 

So if you're still with me here. Welcome to my life. I will try to keep it weird and make it interesting for you to read, but note that this is not replacing the blog. This is just random supplement that will occupy it's own little corner of cyberspace.






    September 2011
    June 2011
    April 2011
    March 2011

