Snowy Family Day for Ontario

Well our long weekend isn't turning out to be the start of spring that we'd hoped for, but try to enjoy it anyways. It's a snowy frozen day in Niagara and in most of Ontario today, so why not stay indoors. Just a reminder for those in the GTA that Niagara Falls tourists areas, as well as the Wineries of Niagara are open for business today.

Cheers to a long weekend, hope it treats you well.

For everyone else: Happy Sundog!

Let your sundog take back the weekend. If you're reading this from Ontario, then it's a 3 days weekend... so remember, Sundog is like a Caturday, but better. (As clearly demonstrated in the image above!) So enjoy it, have a great Family day.

Cheers to three-day weekends, now I'm off to the Beerstore!

For my Geeks: Happy Sundog!

For those who aren't aware of the actual term "sundog", this is it. It's an effect of the sunrise in the arctic. The refraction of light appears as if there are 3 suns and occasionally a complete aura can appear.

Cheers to optical illusions, things are rarely as we see them :)


Google; Earth's watchdog for the little-guy!

Google is at it again! The company that constantly pulls stops to revolutionize the world has released yet another amazing project. They survey the world daily and collect data for everyone to look at. If knowledge is power, Google has just empowered millions. This is just awesome.

Cheers to Google, cheers to knowledge!


Family day, more than a privilege!

Banksy strikes again.
For the Ontarian readers of the blog, you all know that tomorrow is Family Day. The day of the year where we are encouraged to take a statutory holiday and spend time with our loved ones. I just want to give a gentle reminded that this is a wonderful privilege in our society and that around the world people would give their lives for a day of peace and quite with their families. 

So take advantage of the day, enjoy the company of those you love, and remember not to squander a great gift.

Cheers to a free society. Enjoy yourselves on this long weekend!

Goodnight Caturday! It's the (c)AT-(c)AT...

For the geekier among us, this image is hilarious; for those who won't get this right away let me explain briefly:
Star Wars Imperial Walker's are classified as AT-ATs, and so we present to you the Imperial Walker CAT-CAT!

For more interesting and geeky drawings visit the source at The Art of Mike Mitchell

Cheers to visual puns :)

Fun Science :  The Moon!  (How'd it get there, Bill?!)

Chearlieissocoollike Talks about the moon in this weeks Fun Science Video. Check it out :)
Cheers to science and geeks with cameras.

Happy Caturday everyone!

Cheers to another lazy Caturday!


Bieber shot and killed!...on CSI

The famous pop singer from Ontario has quickly gained international recognition. His career skyrocketed with several chart-setting songs, but his passion isn't squared away in the music industry. Justin Bieber is searching for more fame and recognition by appearing on episodes of crime-dramas like CSI. What does this mean for the viewer... well, we get to see Justin Bieber shot 6 times in the chest!

Enjoy the clip.

Cheers to Bieber Fever, I think we may have a cure ;)

Parliament goes greenhouse-chic!

The Canadian Parliament Building has sat unchanged for over a century. The building has a very old look to it, mimicking the parliamentary and royal buildings in the UK. Recently, however, a plan to build a $42 million glass roof over parliament was approved. The glass roof will be placed over the House of Commons and bring Canada's Parliament into the 21st Century. 

I for one applaud the new design; there's no reason to harp about the preservation of the building for historical purposes. The building is still in use, and should suit it's purposes long into the future!

Cheers to Canadian innovation!