Freezing our balls off!
The saying "it's so cold out there it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey" came from when they had old cannons like ones used in the Civil War. The cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation, called a brass monkey. As pictured in the Puerto Rican castle below:
When it got really cold (not likely here in Puerto Rico, but in the North) the poorly constructed brass balls would begin to shimmy and crack. Some soldiers would use the term to describe a certain temperature. You knew it was bad when the balls were so cold they froze, cracked, and fell right off the brass monkey.
So there you have it... it was never testicles, even though I imagine most modern adaptations have a lot more to do with male genitalia than with 18th C. war-lingo.
Cheers to weird expression with even weirder origins.
There's a word for that!...of the day
So we've all done it. We've walked up to the edge of a cliff, or peered off a tower or bridge, and got the willies! Your legs shake, your stomach reorients itself in a more twisted fashion, the palms of your hands get clammy, and you wait for someone to say that word. The word that always comes up... it might be you, or someone cowering from the edge refusing to look over claiming: "I can't, I have vertigo...I'm a afraid of heights!"
The word you were looking for, in your moment of panic, isn't Vertigo. Vertigo is actually a medical condition that causes loss of balance and a feeling of falling in some cases. It's understandable then to attribute this condition to the panic reflex you get when you dangle precariously from a height...but the word you're really looking for here is simply "Acrophobia".
Think about the fact that all phobias are Greek-based and the term for "High" or "Heights" is Acro, like the High Court - The Acropolis.
So that's that, the fear of heights is acrophobia, and just remember, it's not the height you're afraid of, it's the fall. Then again, it's never the fall that kills'ya, it's that sudden stop at the end!
Cheers to the English language and all our misuses of it!
Have you ever wondered, in the this wide world of ours, just what's failing? What's gone wrong while you sat here, at your computer, browsing the internet aimlessly...
Well here's some good news! You can now keep up-to-date on catastrophic events of the world...LIVE!
RSEO is on the lookout!
Click here for an interactive map of
North America or of the
entire planet that show information on Power Outages, Plane Crashes, Earth Quakes, Dangerous Storms, etc.
It's a big world out there, and there's always some sort of global fail going on.
Cheers to technology watching everything, all the time!
Space Bunny!
You're probably familiar with stories about the "Man in the Moon," the supposed face that can be seen in the lunar surface. I personally have never been able to see it; Suppose maybe it's there and I'm just not afflicted with the same
pareidolia as the rest of the world... which is unlikely as I believe we all tend to see faces in random objects, all the time. Usually this comes with a bit of Religious hysteria, like seeing
Jesus in a dog's butt... but I'm of course referring to the more common cases such as seeing objects in clouds...
In the East however, they don't have as many tales of a man on the moon so much as a bunny. That's right, a bunny on the moon!
Do you see it? The Bunny. (It's most obvious on the right hand side with his little eye)
In short, here's how the bunny got there:
A rabbit, monkey, fox and otter were friends. One day the Buddha came along disguised himself as a hermit begging for alms. The otter took off into the water and brought the hermit some fish. The fox was able to find some milk-curd to give to the hermit. While the monkey climbed a tree and retrieved some fruit and gave it to hermit.
Unfortunately, the rabbit had nothing to give except some grass which the hermit could not eat, so he threw himself in the fire to become a meal for alms beggar.
Immediately the Buddha revealed himself and saved the rabbit from the flames. He then rewarded the rabbit by drawing his picture in the moon.
If you still don't see the Bunny, click here!
So that's the bunny on the moon.
Cheers to Western and Eastern differences!