Stop, wonder, explore... what's waiting for you out there?

The other day I posted an album of images from a trek a friend and I took into an old abandoned barn [014; The Old Barn]. The barn is on a pretty busy stretch of backroad and can even be seen from the highway. Very seldomly does anyone stop to take a look around or even inside the barn thought. It's pretty much just a distance silhouette to most.
The barn isn't even a mystery to most passerbys. No one even takes the time to wonder little alone to stop and take a closer look. The point I'm trying to make of course is that we often forget how to be curious and it makes our lives very stale and pretty boring at time.

By now I hope you're at least a little curious as to why you're reading this in the gaze of Matthew Broderick. He's just sitting there on the left of the text hangin' out. Well I promise you this makes sens:

Matthew Broderick played a famous role about teenage curiosity and adventure. The film itself was a masterpiece of comedy, but the messages that could be learned from it were simply inspiring. Ferris Bueller was an instant hit and is easily one of my favourite movies of all-time. Today is Matthew Broderick's birthday. That's right, Ferris Bueller turns 49 years old today!
So try to remember how you might have felt while watching that movie all those years ago. Let your wonder cause you to wander and go explore something new. Who knows the adventures that are waiting for you out there. 

Cheers, and Happy BDay, to Matthew Broderick, he's inspired at least a few and I hope he continues to for years to come!


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