We seem to be on a bit of a SuperHero kick right now, so why stop? It's quite rare that this blogger covers mainstream media with any sort of fervor; it's equally rare for these articles to be written about movies and cinema in any way. Lately, however, the cinema bug has bitten and a recent rehashing of a childhood classic has warmed cockles of my heart which were, presumably previously cooler for some reason...
The movie in question here is obvious (We all know you guys are here for pictures and you barely read these long posts...and you saw the image to the left and probably, by now, have put two and two together.) For my slower and potentially more mentally-challenged readers, I am of course talking about the 2010 Sony Pictures release of The Green Hornet. The movie has everything a guy could ask for: action, explosions, car-chases, gadgets, Cameron Diaz's left cheekbone! (Yes I distinguish... as a western society we naturally focus left to right... and let's face it, there's enough facial structure in half her face to last a thousand dreams!)
The movie in question here is obvious (We all know you guys are here for pictures and you barely read these long posts...and you saw the image to the left and probably, by now, have put two and two together.) For my slower and potentially more mentally-challenged readers, I am of course talking about the 2010 Sony Pictures release of The Green Hornet. The movie has everything a guy could ask for: action, explosions, car-chases, gadgets, Cameron Diaz's left cheekbone! (Yes I distinguish... as a western society we naturally focus left to right... and let's face it, there's enough facial structure in half her face to last a thousand dreams!)
Amazing movie and safe for the whole family; Check it out!
I digress; The movie's plot actually met the hype that this film inspired over the last few weeks. Ever since the days of The Hulk and other poorly executed comic-book-turned-cinematic films, I have been leery of this genre. Without a doubt, this film has reclaimed honour for the style and has helped thousands relive childhood dreams of super heroes and villains.
The movie itself was fantastically directed and executed in a manor that avoided dull or dry moments very well. A good balance of suspense and intrigue kept the plot moving along with little interruption. As in any action flick the ugly head of a love affair reveals itself at points. Luckily the director, Michael Gondry, seemed to know just what guys like. This became obvious with the complete avoidance of passion sequences. The only actual "love scene", if we could go as far as to call it such, takes place in 2-times fast-motion and showcases a collection of expensive and rare supercars and classics... If that's not enough, the love seen was between a beautiful woman and Seth Rogen... which doesn't give men a bad body image or super-high expectations... (Sorry ladies, the only chicks laying with the eccentric millionaire are supermodel material fresh from LA.)
The plot was surprisingly well structured and rounded. I should say, as with any action movie their were unbelievable and sometimes physically impossible moments, but that's to be expected. After-all, this is a super hero movie, not Blankitty Blank starring Hugh Grant... it's a comic book on film! The 3D effects were well oriented without the unbelievable headaches that accompanied the BETA technology a few short years ago. The cinematography kept the viewer in the action without too much confusion, even in the fast moving fight scenes... overall the direction and composition were terrific.
The plot was surprisingly well structured and rounded. I should say, as with any action movie their were unbelievable and sometimes physically impossible moments, but that's to be expected. After-all, this is a super hero movie, not Blankitty Blank starring Hugh Grant... it's a comic book on film! The 3D effects were well oriented without the unbelievable headaches that accompanied the BETA technology a few short years ago. The cinematography kept the viewer in the action without too much confusion, even in the fast moving fight scenes... overall the direction and composition were terrific.

The movie did have a few obvious flaws, if they can be called that. We all understand at this point that product placement is essential in scoring funding for a decent blockbuster, and this film was no exception. Being SONY Productions' brainchild meant the Sony logo was plastered on screen every time a computer was opened...and their seemed to be some obvious inclusion of Corona and RedBull from scene to scene. These little details are easily overlooked and didn't impede the flow of the movie, or compromise it's overall appeal. Other minor details were in continuity and the typical action-flick movies which seem to imply that no bad guy in 20 can hit a target at 50 meters, or that physics only applies to the baddies... easily forgiven elements.
Overall my final verdict is that Sony has hit this one out of the park. It's a movie that every male from age six to 99 can enjoy, and it's even appealing to women. Their is no obvious controversy or offence to the typical agitated masses and instigate-able social circles (I'm looking at you Churches). Once again Seth Rogen gives a great performance and keeps all his comedy PG. This makes the movie something the whole family can enjoy, and without compromise.
Cheers to great movies, after a long dry spell they are finally picking up again.
Overall my final verdict is that Sony has hit this one out of the park. It's a movie that every male from age six to 99 can enjoy, and it's even appealing to women. Their is no obvious controversy or offence to the typical agitated masses and instigate-able social circles (I'm looking at you Churches). Once again Seth Rogen gives a great performance and keeps all his comedy PG. This makes the movie something the whole family can enjoy, and without compromise.
Cheers to great movies, after a long dry spell they are finally picking up again.