Someone has an awesome grandma!

So there's this friend of the blog, and she loves to crochet. She's also into animal biology, which she studies in University. She's awesome and so is this image. I just thought the world should know that.

Cheers to unexpected art? diorama? craft? well whatever this is I think it's wicked!

Who doesn't love Pi?

It's been a while since I last posted a Pi joke, so here it is folks :)

Cheers to geeky math humour and all the people who are now conversing with their math-geek friends to have the joke explained to them!



Dear National Geographics,

Seriously... knock it off! It's like paradolia but with birds, and we really don't need any new forms of paranoia introduced to our already twitchy society.

Cheers to birds who are birds, but also bigger birds made of those birds!

123,000 MPH... yeh that should do it!

An Artist's Vision of a Plasma-Powered Craft Ringed by Hydrogen Tanks and Nuclear Reactors, Arriving At Mars - Nick Kaloterakis
NASA has unveiled recently that it may seriously consider producing the plasma-drive engines once proposed. The engines would use nuclear reactors and hydrogen to propel a rocket from Earth to Mars at 123000 MPH making the trip in only 39 days.  The private aerospace start-up Ad Astra Rocket Company, with founder Franklin Chang Díazm is building a rocket engine that’s faster and more powerful than anything NASA has ever flown before.

The idea is that speed is the key. The faster they reach other planets, the more likely a mission's success it. We can only hope to hear more about these new means of propulsion in the near future. Until then you can read more here.

Cheers to the hopes that we might some day get off this rock at breakneck speeds!

Life imitating art, or just plagiarism?

On the right, Picasso's painting; On the left, the Mac symbol
Cheers to Apple's "unique" design schemes... next thing you know we'll find out the operating system is just Linux with a wig on!...oh wait.

Is it wrong that I've watched this 3 times now...?

Cheers to cats...just cats!

No story, just cheers to science!

Life is science; science is life... enjoy it, embrace it, and whenever possible...Have fun with it!

Cheers to science geeks everywhere, you may not make the world go round, but you can probably explain to everyone how it does it.


We Were Hacked, Almost Extorted ; So I Emailed The Hacker’s Mom - CEO of PoF

The famed Markus Frind, Canadian founder and CEO of Plenty of Fish, the free internet hook-up site, recently found himself in some hot water. The website, which receives more than 1 billion page impressions per month, was hacked recently. Markus called the hacking a “well planned and sophisticated attack”.

He and his wife were the subject of harassment and in the aftermath of the attacks he says the hackers attempted to extort the company. Many emails and passwords were downloaded from the site, though Markus will not say how many profiles were affected. (Forewarning to anyone who might use the site, remember to check and change your passwords on there ASAP.)
According to Frind, an Argentinian hacker named Chris Russo – who recently hacked The Pirate Bay – broke into PoF after 2 days of trolling through the site, under his real name (Derp!). Markus recounts the event:
At midnight Miami time my wife gets a call from Chris Russo that plentyoffish has been hacked into and that Russians have taken over his computer and are trying to kill him, and his life is in extreme danger and they are currently downloading plentyoffish’s database. Chris is trying to create a sense of panic.

I listened in the background and I closed the breach if indeed there was one while my wife was on the phone and then I immediately ordered an investigation. Over the next 24 hours we got a lot of voice mails from Chris Russo frantically wanting to talk to us.

There is some dispute and controversy over who initiated the attacks on who, and you can read more on the events by clicking here. Chris Russo blames Markus for the attacks and it even involved some childish name calling and telling mom...worth a read!

Cheers to internet dating, if you manage to not catch a virus from the site, just try some of the loose women online for a real one! (Also, cheers to Canadian politics and business ethics... where"I'm telling your mom" is a potential business move!)

Geek-lol! of the day...

Cheers to bad geek movies from our childhood... weird that we never really questioned them then.

UBB (Usage Based Billing), it's here so get used to it...

So it's official, the UBB is coming to Canada and will take effect March 1, 2011. What is this going to mean to the millions of internet users in the Great White? Well it's really not that clear, to anyone. 

The scoop is that the internet will be capped and fees will not be charged per gigabyte downloaded. The caps will likely sit around 25gig, which is substantially lower than many packages held by gamers, and internet enthusiasts alike. 

So the effect is going to vary from one person to the next. Some people are going to see an increase of up to $50 a month, others will see increases of only a couple hundred dollars yearly. To read more about the effects that this is going to have on small business and low income families, read more at The Globe and Mail.

Cheers to the free market, even when it seems like extortion. The realization that markets need regulation has never been so apparent...but then again, some of you elected the Conservatives into power, so I blame you!
