In case you missed it... of the day!

I'm still trying to decide whether this makes Harper less hip, or Nickleback less cool...
It's budget time and it seems Harper is quite concerned about being frugal; Just the other day he was photographed getting his nickleback... (Sorry, I guess the previous post about puns wasn't enough for a day.)

It is indeed time for the leaders of Canada to bicker about money with the unveiling of the budget tomorrow. It seems that Canada is bracing once again for an election as the Liberals announce they no longer trust the Tories! You might be wondering then, trust? Is that the issue here? I thought we were going to the election based on not supporting the proposed budget. Well, not exactly:

The Liberals had initially intended to vote down the budget once it was released, but this left the NDP open for the block. (The block, not to confused with the Bloc... to whom I will give the service of not writing my opinions about.) You see the Conservative minority that is in power today is hanging on by a thread and they really only need one party to get behind them. So when the Liberals started talking election, the Conservatives started rewriting an NDP friendly copy of next year's budget. This would in turn buy them the votes they needed to stop the annoyance of heading to election and potentially losing some seats.

The Liberals, however have decided that it's more than just money that's getting to them. Finally they have stood up and decided that a government, the "Harper Government", should have the right to constantly slap Canadians in the face. By this we mean of course the perpetual Conservative slip-ups that seem to be building a case for the opposition.

Harper is known for throwing governmental (yeh he def. puts the mental in governmental) tantrums whenever he is backed into a corner. A few years ago he supported a coalition government (his party is actually made from a coalition!) and yet when the NDP and the Libs. suggested just such a thing Harper pulled the plug on Parliament and closed the house! In later months his party has been the center of countless mini scandals and even recently a member of Harper's crack-team decided it was fair-game to lie to the whole house. Lying to Canadians and trying to cover it up (Bev Oda for the win?). All of these add up to a Liberal government proposing a plug-pulling-party of their own. They suggest it's time to set everything straight and let Canadians voice their opinions at the polls.

I say, let's do it. Let's let the Conservatives know just how much Canadians are willing to accept before enough is enough!

Cheers to democracy! Let's hope the parties get exactly what they deserve... 

Just so Punny!

If you guys aren't already aware of my incredible fancy for puns, then you're new here so let me show you around. Up there is the banner, the other pages... on the side is some gibberish that no one actually reads...oh and just above this text is an obsessive collection of ridiculously funny puns!

Cheers to how much I enjoy these...hope you do to!


We've all see the mini paragraph with the misspelled words. You might have gotten it as an email and you may have been blown away at your ability to read the words despite their peculiar arrangement... 

"Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."
So it's no surprise that someone took the idea too far.

Introducing Wikipeetia!

That's right, an entire Wikipedia style encyclopedia that is readable even with it's bizarre spelling!

Cheers to people with too much time on their hands!

Existential Waldo makes me feel old!

Cheers to the existential crisis we all face... can we all just revert to the cartoons and be kids again?

Pseudo joke... of the day!

So a horse walks into a bar...
Cheers to pseudo-comedy, it's ironically funny!

Stop, wonder, explore... what's waiting for you out there?

The other day I posted an album of images from a trek a friend and I took into an old abandoned barn [014; The Old Barn]. The barn is on a pretty busy stretch of backroad and can even be seen from the highway. Very seldomly does anyone stop to take a look around or even inside the barn thought. It's pretty much just a distance silhouette to most.
The barn isn't even a mystery to most passerbys. No one even takes the time to wonder little alone to stop and take a closer look. The point I'm trying to make of course is that we often forget how to be curious and it makes our lives very stale and pretty boring at time.

By now I hope you're at least a little curious as to why you're reading this in the gaze of Matthew Broderick. He's just sitting there on the left of the text hangin' out. Well I promise you this makes sens:

Matthew Broderick played a famous role about teenage curiosity and adventure. The film itself was a masterpiece of comedy, but the messages that could be learned from it were simply inspiring. Ferris Bueller was an instant hit and is easily one of my favourite movies of all-time. Today is Matthew Broderick's birthday. That's right, Ferris Bueller turns 49 years old today!
So try to remember how you might have felt while watching that movie all those years ago. Let your wonder cause you to wander and go explore something new. Who knows the adventures that are waiting for you out there. 

Cheers, and Happy BDay, to Matthew Broderick, he's inspired at least a few and I hope he continues to for years to come!



There's a word for that!

By now we must all be familiar with the latest Pepsi Max commercial. A remake of the 1995 classic, Pepsi introduces the pop-cultural element of YouTube and cellphone cameras. So what makes this commercial the subject of today's "There's a word for that"? Simple, defenestration!
Some of the more clever among us just chuckled at the very word (probably the francophones who recognized the work "fenêtre" meaning "window" and "de" the prefix of "from") For those who still need a little help with this one, the world "Defenestration" is to be thrown through or from a window.
So next time you're sitting back to enjoy a cheesy 90's action flick, impress your friends at the moment of defenestration by noting that "There's a word for that!"

Cheers to English and all of it's wonderfully esoteric functions.

One Slutty Protest!

If the G20 summit wasn't enough to show the world that Canadians aren't just an apathetic group of frozen Americans, this next protest will surely change some minds. No, it's not another violent outburst towards political tyrants, this protest has deeper routes and much more interesting participants. 
On their website, the organizers of the Toronto "Slut walk" state: "On January 24th, 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police gave shocking insight into the Force’s view of sexual assault by stating: “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized”." That's right. One of our badge wearing finest has put his polished shoe in his mouth and has caused for outrage. The organizers of the protest strongly believe that women should have the right to look as they like. There is no threshold of "slutiness" that should warrant a sexual assault. 
Now I'm not going to say that women should advocate dressing as they please everywhere and anywhere... but there's never a justification for physical attacks. (Don't get all high and mighty if a guy's checking our your cleavage if you wish to provide him a screening...but guys, hands off the merchandise!)

I for one think this is a great form of non-violent protest and hope that all goes well for all participants. If you want to read more about the "Slut walk" click here. The basic info is as follows:
SlutWalk is scheduled for Sunday, April 3rd, 2011.
Speeches at 1:30. 2:00 Walk.Starting location is central Queen’s Park,
heading to Toronto Police Headquarters at 40 College Street.Facebook event invite here.
Cheers to crafty Canadians and to the good-life of journalists. Even our protests sound like great beer-fueled parties :)

Not done being a kid!...of the day...

                                       Cheers to Charlie, and whoever made this incredible piece of awesome!


Looking for answers...New data exposes atheist movement

For years there has been a clear dominance of religion in the polls. As a percentage there was no nation on Earth which could declare, by any vast majority, its secularism. Lately it would seem that data shows a movement unlike any other in the history of humanism. The data was simply wrong.
In countries such as Libya, Egypt, and much of the Middle East, the people's religion was dictated by rulers and representatives. There was no actual census conducted and so we deemed the countries to simply be of that religion and bunched the population into respective categories. This made much of the world's data on religion corrupt and skewed, but what about the West?
In the democratic West it's been the norm for over a century to conduct censuses which clearly asked people their religions. This forms would offer at first a simple set of choices of major religious groups, and below that it usually had an "Other:________" section. This was great for collecting data for the most part, but there is a flaw. The non-practicing associative "religious" members. These might be those who call themselves religious and don't practice, or even those who simply filled in the section based on their childhood (usually parent's) religion.
This has been a flaw in the collection of data for years and there is a growing movement to put an end to it. The atheist movement, or more formally the secular movement, is gaining ground at an incredible rate. Some compare the atheists and agnostics of the 2010's to the gays and lesbians of the 1980's. Well it's time to come out of the ideological closet for some and collect the real data. 
In the UK this year there is a widespread campaign to get the real data. The British Humanist Association is focused on getting the people to speak out. Unfortunately in Canada, the Harper Govt. has decided to kill off the long-form census and some argue that these movements may just be the cause.

Cheers to getting the real story. Let's stop just making things up!