You know you wanna...of the day.

You know you want to make one of these and post it now...

Cheers to irony at its best.

Lunchtime mini-rant!

So there's something that's been annoying me lately. Well not so much lately as since I was a child, but my studies in English lately have me noticing these errors more and more. We've all seen it, and it's prevalent everywhere; never have I seen it written properly. Of course what I'm talking about is the "In case of fire" signage. It's on every fire-alarm pull station and on all the evacuation direction signs in almost every public building; and it's wrong!

By definition, what they are telling you to do is to pull that alarm upon reading the sign. Don't hesitate...pull it now in case there is a fire! What they mean to say of course is "Pull in the event of a fire" but for whatever reason that message is reworded. So there it is. General ignorance leads us to not question errors written on almost every fire system and elevator in the land.

Cheers to general ignorance! Now let's not get me started on those 12 items or less (Fewer!) signs!

If only it were proportional...

Most Canadians are indifferent to our politician overlords... Funny enough we've got a few more flavours than the Americans and yet we're still apathetic and quite indifferent to our system. All-the-same I figured I'd show everyone the score card, since it won't be long before the Lib's find themselves in a position where they think they've got a shot and call an election. 
If only the Canadian system was proportional, we'd actually have a couple Green seats... but then again we'd have some Bloc-heads in there as well, so it's a tough sell.
The noticeable changes to this chart in recent times is the growing popularity of the Green Party in Canada. It would seem that more and more people distrust the usual contenders, and E.May's party is gaining popularity. We can only anticipate these results to become completely jumbled in a potential election, but there's one thing that we can all agree on... The attack ads are going to get fired up all over national TV.

Cheers then to Canada's apathy...but not too loud a cheer... keep it civil.
[CBC] ; Why the switch?

Yes that is the logo to the Atheist Alliance, if you're into graphic design and want to make a similar logo for UniverseGuyD, it would be much appreciated.
So some of you have asked about the new domain. I figured I'd help shed some light on what happened to and why it's now 
The main reasons behind the switch falls to semantics. People were too often spelling Whisky wrong (Not really "wrong" but the Irish spelling of "Whiskey") which made for some confusion. Furthermore, the site was becoming less and less about the wine and whisky blog and more about the "Blog for everyone" which focused on matters of universal importance. The stories on the site, as you've undoubtedly noticed, are more about life and science than anything else.

So long story short, the site is changing focus and to reflect that: new name!

For anyone who hasn't caught the bad pun; UniverseGuyD is indeed a terrible play on words based on everyone's favorite novel and film Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy; I present to you then, your "Guyd" to the universe! All things from Awe to WTF! So I hope you guys have changed your bookmarks and you enjoy the "new" site. It's 9:10 am EST as I write this and already we're looking at just over 100 worldwide hits.

Cheers to thousands of future posts, and I promise we will get to original content and new videos once my schedule allows it.


So recently, in the News, there's been reports of Mexican smugglers using a catapult or siege to hurl 40lb bricks of marijuana over the Mexico-US border south of Arizona. The Mexican military is the one who nabbed the smugglers, but I think the real story here is medieval-weaponry knowledge. 
A crude trebuchet fashioned from an old trailer frame
From Fox to Reuters to CNN, the story has been about a pot-chuckin' catapult seized by the Mexican Military. I am here to explain to you why this just isn't right. So yes, there was a device used by Mexican smugglers to boost Maryjane over the border fence, and yes they used primitive technology to do it... However, I think you'll find that they used a trebuchet to get the job done! (Geez guys, this isn't rocket science.)

So hats off to the Mexican smugglers for thinking outside the box on this one. View the video below to see actual border-patrol footage and the contraption in action

Cheers to schemes that go down just like in the cartoons. Life's just empty without redneck criminals of every race!

Signs of the times...

The writing's on the wall. 'Thanks to the population! Thank you Facebook!'
After a recent revolt in Tunisia, the general populous would admit that the internet communities of the world helped keep evil at bay. Social networking sites suck as Facebook, Reddit and YouTube allowed the world to see the real stories. This graffiti was found on in Tunisia after their revolt helped dismantle a corrupt government. (It's no surprise Egyptian officials are racing to destroy internet access to the central regions of Cairo.)

Cheers to the internet, it's not all porn and cats... sometimes it's the essence of truth, dignity, and access to the world. 

Geek-gasm...of the night!

It's late... I don't feel like writing about sciency stuff...and you don't feel like reading it. So, you're welcome!
Introducing the Pokébra
Cheers to...yeh, like I have to explain why this is awesome...

Starchild! Are you one?

It's not the discovery of an alien life-form, but it's certainly the next best thing. Scientists are growing more suspicious of comet-babies over primordial ooze theory!
Scientist extract material from pieces of astroids
This is not a new idea; For the better part of the last decade scientists have been postulating the possibility of life-bearing comets. Recent discoveries show us that meteorites contain amino acids, which are essentially building blocks of life. In the world of amino acids there are two flavours, the twist to the left ones, and the twist to the right ones. (They are sort of spiral shaped) With the lefties being the predominant shape for life on Earth. 

Well long story short, scientists have replicated amino acids with electric shocks in a tub of primordial soup, but that produced a smattering of either-or amino acids. For some reason though, it would seem the conditions present in far away stars actually favour the Earthling style acid shapes.

Is this evidence that life on Earth might be the result of cosmic impacts. Are we all just sprawls from alien worlds lost on a lovely blue rock? Read more at or check out some of the past articles below.
Cheers to science for constantly trying to prove that life is a mistake and nothing romantic...Take that Victorian Era!

Screw you Apple...of the day!

So let me get this straight; When Windows Vista was released, the biggest complaint from users was that is constantly asked you if you wanted to proceed when you did risky things. This was a huge pain and everyone bitched. So I imagine Apple computers must not be nearly as annoying...asking you if you'd like to do stuff that you want to do...
Really Apple? All data... you're starting to sound like Facebook
Oh wait, no... that's much better. It's not stopping to ask you permission... it's just stopping to ask for complete and uninterrupted access to "all data on your computer." That's so much better!

Cheers to the global perception and mood; isn't it fun that we can just make it all up as we go along :)

Whether popping out or popping up, it's Katy Perry!

She's back, even thought she never really left... It's Katy Perry turning up on nearly every channel these days. Her latest appearance as an "Actor" and not just a pop-diva is on the famed How I met your Mother. Her character, Honey, is scripted to help Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) deal with his womanizing ways. The episode will air Feb.7th on CBS.  
Katy Perry and Neil Patrick Harris push the levels of awesome allowed in a single shot
Cheers to Katy Perry, why? Because she's hot... so why not?!