
We've all been there before; After a few holiday eggnoggs, Uncle Tim is hearing what you really think of him... or after a few too many at the office party you think to yourself "I could dance the Carlton... it's easy and ALWAYS gets a big laugh!"

Wouldn't it be nice if drinks came with a warning! (and I don't mean from the surgeon general)
Well WateSomeCache.com has gotcha covered! Pick up a 6 pack of these 4"X 4" coasters and warn people of the affects of alcohol abuse (or just remind yourself) and save the holidays this year! Pick them up here!

Who hasn't dreamed of one day owning a robotic suit of armor that gave them superhuman strength??? I think anyone who says they have is either a dirty liar, or clinically insane.
Students and Professors at the University of Chicago have been experimenting with brain-computer interfaces in an attempt to make a pneumatically powered, mind-controlled suit. The applications are obvious and wide-stretching; from military applications, to helping out the disabled, to simply aiding humans in day to day jobs where super-human strength might come in handy (Like when customers ask for every item on their order to be customized in some way and you just need to pick up a fryer and chuck it at them!...)

So we're still counting down the day until xmas... I don't personally celebrate it, but it's a great excuse to get gifts! So what the hell, let's keep up our lists. Today's topic is Gifts for Gearheads and we've got quite the assortment.

We start with the essence of awesome, it's on every gearhead's must-have list, and I know I want one; the 6-speed aluminium Gearshit Knbo Umbrella! There's not much to say about this item. If you don't get its awesomeness right away, then you never will! From the folks at BTGMotoring.com, this item is just over 30 bucks and would make you wish every day was a rainy day. Why not shift your gift giving into overdrive with this functional and fashionable item!

So it's that time of year again where everyone is shopping for someone else and you undoubtedly have someone on your list that a little...uhh...different. He or she is a little more, let's say, advanced in the technical cognitive functions and buying them a sweater will probably just piss them off (though if you must, sweater vests are still in amongst geek kind, FYI). So what do you get the geek on your list? Simple; just choose from any of the gifts below (remember, if you don't get it, you should probably get it, 'cause it's probably hilarious!)

First on the list of Ho-Ho-Holy crap this is awesome!:

Nuclear Soap! (Well not really...but check it out!)

Yup that's Uranium Soap! (It's not actual uranium, we're trying to kill BO, not sterilize the population...not that a sterile geek has any more or less of a chance or procreation, but still...)

The glow-in-the-dark soap comes to you from PerpetualKid.com and is a Vegan friendly, Human tested phosphorescent and ocean scented bar of awesome! Pick it up now for only 7 bucks! (US, plus S+H and taxes where applicable...)

Another random post for you today. Put together this video after having a discussion with a friend, Amanda, about how math is taught in schools and how if we would teach alternative methods we might be able to get kids more interested in math.
This video explains the use of basic (Power 2) binary code can help kids with simple math problems. 

Watch until the very end to see a special trick for multiplying 2 double digit numbers using a simple graphical trick. 

Cheers to doing things just a little differently and making sense of things by trying another angle,

Sometimes it's hard to wrap your mind around 500 million people, all accessing a single website. These people all interacting through buried cables and invisible channels in the air; luckily Paul Butler, an intern at Facebook's data infrastructure engineering team, thought he would help us imagine these paths. Using the interactions of Facebook users he's managed to plot shapes that, for the most part, outline the continents of the world. This image is just beautiful and really shows us just how influential this site has become.

Paul Butler was quoted, looking at this image, to say :

"‎"What really struck me, though, was knowing that the lines didn’t represent coasts or rivers or political borders, but real human relationships."
The story Here.
Full Res. image here.

Cheers to realizing the impossible, and seeing the incredible appear.

Who doesn't remember the video from April (It was April 28th 2010 FTR) in which a grade 6 student no one had ever heard of took to the world stage. It was footage of a middle-school pep-rally that launched it all. 

Greyson Chance was only 13 when this video made him internet-famous. It wasn't long before this quaint little Texas tween caught the attention of the popular media as well. He was soon appearing on talk-shows and news stations all over the place to talk about his fantastic cover of "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga. His solo act on the piano was all it took to launch a whole singing career and in just a few short months. From a YouTube clip that was unknown for weeks before being discovered to stardom in so little time, he pushes the boundaries of what's possible in this new age of internet media.

This child prodigy was featured on Ellen DeGeneres's talk show Ellen and was soon-after signed to Ellen's record label. He has just released his first music video and is set to release a single album in the new year. Keep an eye on this one; his talent is going to take him places well beyond the geeky kid from that internet video...

Cheers to the powers of the net to make dreams come true. It's not all rubbish and porn... there's a lighter side to the web, and this is just a small part of it! 


(Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)
A fair amount of you are math-hating types. I'm sure there's more than a few of my readers that either hated math in highschool, or are currently still in the process of hating their highschool maths... For you I have spent countless hours (The exact amount of hours can be derived by dividing my lack of a girlfriend by the amount of hours in a day and adding that to the sum total of the internet over the period of sleep I'm losing by allowing myself to post on this blog... somehow the answer is always Pi...) Long story short this video makes at least some math fun... and I liked it (which is a great bonus to editing your own blog... if you don't enjoy this, you're reading the wrong blog!)
Cheers to ViHart for putting this vid and many others together for our enjoyment, and cheers to make the mundane slightly more enjoyable through art and awesome,


The snow was beginning to pile up outside as I sat down to update the blog and jump into a few international chatrooms to see what the buzz on the net was about. As usual their were plenty of interesting topics on sites all other the place...but their was one that struck a cord with me more than any other.

We were discussing tattoos and art and I was asked by someone to explain my ink. I'm not one to brag about my tattoos and I'm not one to get them on a whim either. I always give the artwork months of thought and contemplation before settling on a design and location, as one should with something so permanent. It was in this conversation that someone asked me about the maple leaf I have on my chest. I told them it was the easiest decision I'd ever made and that it's a piece of art I will never regret. 

"How could you be so sure," they asked, "that you won't someday regret it... it's not like you can say that you're never ashamed to be Canadian!" This statement got to me a little. I couldn't help but think of the events I've lived through that genuinely made me feel like Canada, as a nation, had let the world down. Certain people, in this country of ours, have soiled its image with ignorance and greed... but then I got to thinking about our national identity; I thought about the sort of things that make us Canadians. 

Luckily, in my search, I came across more than just old videos of Bob and Doug McKenzie. The videos weren't just old skits with Colin Mockery and Rick Mercer... though I loved all of those clips all-the-same. I came across one video that really made me proud, made feel genuinely patriotic (which for a Canadian to do is a biological anomaly!) The video came to us during the Vancouver winter Olympics and wasn't even aired in Canada. So I thought it was worth sharing it with you guys today. Here is that video:

Cheers to patriotism every day of the year, because one day in the summer just doesn't cut it for a nation this Awesome!

How are you enjoying the new Facebook layout? Still avoiding clicking on the button for fear of change? Well here's an idea that was had by French artist Alexandre Oudin. The profile page allowed him to flex his artistic muscles (Far as I can tell they are located just behind your eyes) and he came up with this Magritte-inspired collage. 

Anyone who wants to try this is free to upload pictures that are the exact pixel resolution as they display on the page, block the photos you are tagged in, and upload your own set. (Or, you can just enjoy this image and pass this article along... it's the lazy choice, but it's the right choice!)

Cheers to thinking outside the box, and into multiple cleverly designed boxes adjacent...
